I agree, I should have dumped the coach earlier. I was just trying to be more lenient and not the big, bad, power happy umpire that throws everybody out. But all of you are right, It shouldn't have lasted that long. Thanks for the advice about saying "you better swing the bat" as well. I definately should have said something to the kid, but the "you better swing the bat part could have been left out. But even if I didn't say that, there still would have been an argument, as the coach was complaining about me talking to the batter.
Also, about the 30 seconds thing. This is just the way most guys around here handle it when coaches lurk around after being tossed. Sometimes they will refuse to leave, sometimes they continue to argue and would be there all night if you let them, etc. It gets them off the field real quick but I can see why some of you think it is stupid. As for Tim's "Dude you get everything you deserve" post, can you be a little more clear on that. I mean, I expected a smarta$$ comment from you, but can you please explain why I got what I deserved? Thanks alot.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."