We are past the little stuff and issues that seem to come with new umpires, however, as new umpires begin to ask questions it's our responsibility to answere them. Colin Powell is quoted as saying "When they stop asking you quesitons you are no longer leading."
This is the site for unpires to ask questions. I've surfed other sites and found this forum and it's members more open & honest to questions that seem elementary to more senior umpires. That, in my opinion is a good thing. To be honest, there are good memebers on this forum and I suggest to new umpire to check it out and ask questions no matter how stupid they think it is. We can ignore them but, if we do, then how can think of ourselves as professionals? Weather we do MLB, Legion or PONY, we should behave like professionals and answere honest questions in a responsible manner.
As of the A to Z list, that comes from the yahoos I got the pleasure of baby sitting this summer. Some listen to advice, some do not, and I always enjoy the game.