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Old Wed Jul 27, 2005, 02:34pm
Dave Hensley Dave Hensley is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 768
Since you stipulated FED rules, then it matters where the fringe infielders are stationed. If they're playing "in" to the extent that the ball has "passed" all infielders when it hits the runner, with "passed" being interpreted as further in distance from home plate than any of the infielders are stationed, then the ball would remain alive and you simply play on.

While I am not convinced that that interpretation is the actual intent of the FED, there exists a play in the FED casebook that pretty much "forces" such an interpretation. The actual rule, as I recall, is worded very similarly to OBR's treatment of a runner hit with a batted ball.

In OBR, the ball would be dead and the runner would be out.
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