Thread: Field Decorum
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Old Wed Jul 27, 2005, 01:56pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally posted by BigUmp56

I would like to hear from other officials who post on this board. What are some of the unwritten rules of umpiring you consider to be a critical part of proper field decorum?

1. GET TO THE GAME SITE at a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the start.

2. Look the Part, meaning if you have the Plate have Plate pants conversely base pants for the bases. I have worked with guys who used plate pants for the bases, white-sox - you get the picture.

IMO, no matter how much rules knowledge you have if an umpire does not follow numbers 1 and 2 you are already off on the wrong foot.

3. Goes hand in hand with number 1 - have a SOLID PRE-GAME with your partner especially if you are new to an association and have not worked with your partner before.

4. Do not go "crazy" in the Pre-Game Conference with the coaches. Some umps like to give a uligy during the plate conference. the Plate conference goes something like this

Skip what rules today
Take us around
Teams properly equipped
Cash or Check before game starts
Let's play

5. MOVE THE GAME ALONG - Here's one thing that I have done to move the game along. When there is a foul ball behind F2, I take a ball from my bag and throw it to F1 and simply take the ball F2 retrieved and put it in bag. This might seem trivial but it speeds things along. Also, do not wander to far from the plate area during inning exchanges in case during warm-ups the ball gets past F2 you can again help move the game along by giving F1 a ball to continue throwing.

6. Hustle

Pete Booth

Peter M. Booth
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