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Old Tue Sep 11, 2001, 11:37pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Re: ok, so in this play, where's the foul?

Originally posted by zebraman55

However, are we reading into this play? I reviewed the case book and the rule book. As an official on this play, I do not know that the QB is calling out the split ends last name. I can tell b his actions that he is attempting to get the Split Ends attention. And, is that the condition we are saying is UC? Hmmmmm........
C'mon, gimme a break. We're not reading anything into it. How often have you seen a QB run out to his wide receiver, calling him by name, and then have the ball snapped to a teammate? It doesn't have to be obvious when he's yelling out a name but it is when the ball is snapped. Read the casebook play? How do you know that A1 isn't really asking for the tee or that A2 isn't going to get it? Because the ball is snapped and A2 goes out for a pass.

Would you allow a player to feign injury, fall to the ground, have the QB go "in motion," and suddenly sprint downfield for a pass from the RB? I hope not. This play is no different.

You may not like the rule and the interpretation but you can't possibly expect me to believe that you don't see this as a planned play. Surely, you can't be that naive.
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