There's still no rules support for the 2004 casebook ruling but it's changed still with no rules support.
The infamous 10.4.5J has been changed (no asterisk though) so it's subtle. Now it's 10.4.5H
I'll restate the case play followed by the "new" ruling....
B1 intercept A's pass in B's endzone. B2 clips A9 at B's 10-yard line after the change of possession. B1 then fumbles in B's end zone and the ball rolls out of the end zone and out of bounds at B's 2-yard line.
New Ruling:
The penalty is enforced under the all-but-one principle. The end of the run is the goal line and the basic spot is the 20-yard line. It goes on to say the foul would be enforced half the distance, first and 10 for B on the 5-yard line.
For those of you new to this in 2004 it said...
The end of the run is the 2-yard line as B's fumble forced the ball out of bounds. Enforced half the distance with B's ball 1st and 10 from the 1.