I am A.
I have posted advise for Carl in the past.
Things to fix:
1. Rollie is terrible. He needs to improve his articles, or he needs to stop writing. Ives wants to turn this forum into eteamz. JM is bland and boreing. It is a good thing you have Tee.
2. Every other article is by Rollie (which might be okay if he didn't suck). 4 out of the last 5 (Yes Carl, I am sure it is 4 out of the last 5, check it out yourself) are by Wierlanders.
3. Carl needs to apply some sort of standards to the articles put on the site. Many of Rollie's are terrible. But I can't blame Carl for not having standards, for if he did, he would only have one writer.
4. Since Carl should be rejecting almost, no all, of Rollie's articles, he will need something to fill the void. He needs more writers, or he needs to put out more himself.
5. There are many many different types of articles which could be on the website. Any type of interview or umpiring news would be great.
6. Many ex-writers say that they hated writing for Carl. He was always hounding them for more articles, and it takes forever to get paid.
7. Rich has just said that he does not want to be associated with the current writers except for Tee.
In summary, Rollie is terrible. Officiating.com need more writers. But why would anyone agree to write when they know the will be associted with the current writers, have to deal with Carl, and not get paid for months? Officiating.com has many problems.