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Old Tue Jul 26, 2005, 02:04pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Re: Insurance Claims

Originally posted by SRW
Speaking ASA

If you're working ASA ball (legally), then you should be covered by ASA's insurance policy. Something tells me that there's some clause or phrase in that policy that justifies their payout only if you're wearing the proper equipment (i.e.: shin guards, chest protectors, etc.). If you're not properly equipped, and get hurt, they won't pay out...

Anyone had experience with this concept?
While not an unreasonable concept, two things wrong.

1) ASA insurance covers the umpires if assigned an ASA game with two ASA registered teams by an approved ASA assignor. No exclusion for equipment.

2) According to the ASA rulebook, the only required equipment in fastpitch is a black mask with throat protector. Nothing else is added by the umpire manual. How could they exclude coverage when the equipment isn't required?

By the way, both NFHS and NCAA rulebooks also only require masks with throat protectors. NFHS also "recommends" a chest protector, but never even mentions shin guards or a cup. NCAA says (15-1.d) "It is strongly recommended that all umpires wear appropriate protective equipment." Even the NCAA Umpire Manual written within the past three years only lists the mask, a brush and an indicator as required equipment. It lists a chest protector and shin guards as optional equipment, in the same category as a lineup holder and sunglasses. Given the nature of other personal preferences stated so strongly by the authors, there must be some overwhelming reason why it isn't stated differently.

Hardly a requirement, and not even a ringing endorsement, let alone "properly equipped".

By the way, Josh, I was unreasonably harsh in my initial reaction to being called stupid; I apologize, and recognize and appreciate your restatement. While I should have thicker skin, and while I endorse and recommend anyone (else) to wear a chest protector, I believe that I have the right to make a decision for myself regarding "optional equipment".

[Edited by AtlUmpSteve on Jul 26th, 2005 at 03:08 PM]
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