Wow! Its fun to have gotten such a charged respons from all of you. The feedback kinda proves my point for me though. (ie. See the whole play, patient whistle, advantage-disadvantage all conspire to help a mere mortal like me make a good call)
If you haven't seen this particular cheep foul ... stick around, you might. All of you guys have been right too, not much contact, yet it is difficult to make the layup. My initial experience with this foul was almost a mirror image of what Jurassic discribed. I missed the first one, and found myself wondering why the offensive play just kinda flailed around. The defender was all proud of himself for getting one past me. Nothin' "Ticky-Tack" about it.
Fortunately, I haven't seen if very often, but Man Oh Man if you ever do, you might want to get it right.
Nothing great is ever accomplished without great risk.