Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Originally posted by Malcolm Tucker
Any country that can produce a cool guy like Mark Padgett is okay with me
Aw, flattery will get you anywhere. BTW - what's up with spelling a bunch of words with the "...our" ending, such as colour, flavour and humour? Don't you know that's just a holdover from French? I thought they only still did that in parts of Canadour.
Also BTW - since you guys are all "down under" under there, when you throw the ball up to start the game, how does it come down?
When I attended High School with Pythagoras this was the Queens English and old habits are hard to break. Although now I must remember to use your budget english when programming.
Well we have jump balls to start every period and still some and mostly we let the players get it on the way up as it is so damm hard to teach them not to.