This play happened in a game I umpired several years ago. I've never seen a comparable play since then. Let me know if you agree with the ruling we made.
Runner at third base. Nobody out. Batter hits an infield pop-up. The ball is over foul territory between the third base coach's box and the runner standing on third base. The shortstop says, "I've got it," and moves over to make the catch. However, the shortstop, while looking at the ball, runs into the baserunner still standing on third base. Both the shortstop and the runner tumble to the ground. The ball lands in foul territory.
Here's what we ruled: The runner on third base was out for intereference for not getting out of the shortstop's way. Since the ball landed foul, the batter has a strike on him. (Had it been a fair ball, we would have awarded the batter first base.)
Your opinions, please.
[Edited by John Robertson on Jul 21st, 2005 at 01:44 PM]