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Old Wed Jul 20, 2005, 07:52pm
drothamel drothamel is offline
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I don't know you personally, although I would definitely like to meet you, so I may be overstepping a bit here. . . but oh well.

Some of the best advice I can give another young official is-- find some balance. I know that you said that you don't have any other priorities right now, but I would suggest that you find them now, before you find them and don't have the time to appreciate or enjoy them.

When I started officiating, it was all I wanted to do. I still have a number of lofty goals that I want to acheive in officiating. It is still very important to me, but now I have a bit more balance in my life. I just got married in November. I am lucky in that I met my wife in High School, so she was accustomed to my athletic participation. She still attends most of my games (she usually skips the girls' games). I can tell you that having a life away from officiating makes your life inside officiating much easier to handle. It also makes you more appreciative of what you have.

Even having a job is a good thing. There are a lot of things that happen in my regular occupation that help me when I am on the court. It also teaches you some time management and some sacrifice.

Someone on this board has a signature line that says something like, "If all I am remembered for is being a good official, then I have failed," I think that is a very true statement.

I met a lot of guys this summer at camps that wanted to succeed so bad that they mortgaged their home lives for it. Sure, they are successful officials, but for what? Who wants to be around a guy who is a great official, but can't keep a job, never sees his kids, and avoids his wife?

I guess I may sound a bit preachy. If that is the case, I apologize in advance. It is just something that is important to me, and I think that alot of guys overlook it in that search for the next "big assignment." When I look back on my life, I don't want to have only "big assingments" to remember. Again, all I can say is good luck to you, I hope you do reach all of your goals, but just search for that balance. It will pay big dividends both in officiating and in life.
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