This year's handchecking and forearm stuff caused me some consternation on how I was gonna make the call. FWIW, so far this year, correctly, or not, I have been comfortable making these modifications.
POE - 4A.Hands off :
no hands on dribbler - last year, I allowed some touching/riding with no pressure on the uniform; this year, get the hands off before the second dribble, and never allow hands on a displacement of a cutter - last year, I disallowed two-hand pushes and blocks that knocked cutter off stride; this year, one-hand push causing cutter to lose stride works for me. no measuring (tagging) - last year, I allowed light, one hand on uniform; this year, if opponent has the ball: hands forearm - last year, I allowed forearm use on post player to hold position; this year, continually resting forearm, or whenever the opponent has the ball, is disallowed.