Originally posted by cowbyfan1
Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by cowbyfan1
We have an "official" in our high school association that insists that batter boxes, foul lines, on deck circles and coaches boxes have to be drawn before a game starts.
This guy has benn known to hold up starting ball games till all of the lines were drawn (on deck and coaches boxes included) and has been known to draw them himself. Tee would love calling with this guy!
My first question would be
Why hasn't this been brought-up in the association meeting? Is this official a "Big Dog" so every member kisses his you know what or is afraid to express their opinions.
In addition if he is holding up ball-games are the coaches complaining to the assignor?
Your thread is an association problem not a strict FED problem.
Check out FED rule 3-2-1
While occupying a coaches box, he shall be in the uniform of his team.
In doing modified HS baseball you will no doubt find coaches out of uniform or have no uniform period because of budget constraints. If someone complains, you simply notify the AD's office.
In Summary, Your thread falls under the category of "Check with your association" / AD's Office and is not a STRICT FED thing.
Pete Booth
Trust me in that the association President and VP, as well as others have told him they are not needed. I just could have sworen that the Fed said it is optional to have these markings. 99.9% of the time it is the coaches box, running lane, and on deck circles this guy harps about. Any school I have been to has at least had the batters boxs and foul lines drawn.
Well I can see a foul line being needed; however, I would ask the official, why do you need the batter's box drawn.
Then I would ask him how many times he's called a guy out for being out of the box etc.,
Either there is a correlation or the guy is extreme OCD!
And I should add, the guy would not be very happy calling a game with myself - (g)