Mon Jul 18, 2005, 11:51am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by varefump
Having umpired under five different sets of rules (NSA, ASA, USSSA, NFHS, & NCAA), I have yet to see a rule allowing the batter to remain at bat following being hit by a pitch. I had a coach (in NSA play) ask me if his player, and best hitter, had to go to first base when she was hit by a pitch. I told him that I knew of no rule that allows the player to remain at bat and accept the HBP as simply a 'ball'.
Seems to me like the coach should be given the option of having the player awarded first base or allow her to continue batting with an additional 'ball' added to her count. Otherwise, the defense can gain an advantage by hitting the team's best player when there is the game-winning run standing on third base. Using pitch-outs to intentionally walk the batter could lead to wild pitches, passed balls, or even a hit by the batter.
I would appreciate any insights to this play situation.
Why, so the pitcher can just keep coming inside and possibly injuring the batter?
The team can walk the batter intentionally if they didn't want her to hit the ball, so I think the point is moot.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.