gsf23 - I was there when that first went in. It took some learning curve, but I think made the game better. As I ump now in the Chicago suburbs, some leagues have the rule and others don't. I will let anything not directed at me or the opposition go, even for leagues with the rule unless I deem it can be heard by the fans. I tend not to have 'rabbit ears', so it has to be blatant. But just the threat of being ejected is often enough to keep the players from using profanity, they realize it can happen. I have had a few use a questionable word, then turn to me and apologize. I wasn't going to throw them out, but I usually just say to not let it happen again and consider this your warning and smile. I think this keeps with the intent of the rule. It isn't so much to make us 'language police', but to try to keep the game spectator and player friendly.
ASA Umpire