Originally posted by cowbyfan1
We have an "official" in our high school association that insists that batter boxes, foul lines, on deck circles and coaches boxes have to be drawn before a game starts. I could have sworn that I have seen in the Fed rule book where it says it is optional but per 1-2-1 if they are drawn they must be drawn with a material that is not injurious to the eyes or skin and that lime or caustic material of any kind is prohibited. It may have been a couple years ago that it was in the rule book saying that the lines are optional. Can anyone help me out on this?
This guy has benn known to hold up starting ball games till all of the lines were drawn (on deck and coaches boxes included) and has been known to draw them himself. Tee would love calling with this guy!
That could be part of the definition - as we often call them
The guys an idiot!