Just browsing the NFHS website and noticed something with the 2005 NFHS rule changes.
The introduction to one of the rule changes states the following:
As a means of providing additional coverage to the definition of a foul ball, Rule 2-16-1e was added. It states that a ball inadvertently declared foul by an umpire that touches the ground is a dead ball. (my emphasis)
If you recall, one of the emphasis items last season was that once a ball is declared foul by the umpire, no matter how incorrect, the ball is FOUL.
Yet, there is the following case play that appears under interpretations:
SITUATION 3: With one out and a 1-1 count, the batter hits a high fly ball in left field near the foul line. The umpire declares Foul Ball as the fly ball is subsequently caught by the left fielder. RULING: Once the umpire verbally declares Foul Ball, the ball is dead and treated as foul ball. The batter will return to bat with a 1-2 count and still one out. (5-1-1h)
The ball hasn't hit the ground, though. It seems that although this ball was inadvertantly called foul, since it did not hit the ground, that it could be rectified and properly ruled as a fly ball out.
It seems inconsistent to me. Am I missing something?
David Emerling
Memphis, TN
[Edited by David Emerling on Jul 16th, 2005 at 03:01 PM]