I agree there isn't much football stuff out there. I would love to make and produce some etuff. I have a NFHs video I bought bakc in....I will guess it is from 1999. It's called "Rules Update." I picked it and thougght it was awesome for new officials because it covers everything from pregame, coaches meeting, on field mechanics, penalty enforcement and some indepth stuff. The problem is it cover 1999 rules which has changed since then. I still use the video, which I transfered to DVD, for cadet training. I stop it when a rule change comes up and explain what it is today.
I also have the Dick Honig video. I like it myself but is it worth the money they are selling it for? I don't think so.
I also saw Honigs is selling You make the call type DVDs but I know our vice-chairman ordered them and they have been back ordered for a long time now....?