Originally posted by DG
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by Tim C
Mark noted:
Of course we are all aware that the statement is only true until the ball reaches the maximum velocity of 14 feet per second per second.
14 feet per second per second is a measure of acceleration, not velocity. That's about all I remember from HS physics. 
To accelerate is to go faster. Push the gas pedal and you accelerate. Velocity is speed, as in how fast are you going. 14 fps is speed, ie how fast is the pitch. A pitch, once released, has no incentive to accelerate, no force behind it to cause it to go faster, and only resistance ahead of it to slow it down. In the short distance between the plate and home a fastball slowing down is imperceptable.
No. Accelerate does not mean "to go faster." If car A is going 30mph and car B is going 60mph, car B is going faster but it is not necessarily accelerating.
Accelerate means to increase in velocity over a period time. What Bob said is correct. The measurement of 14 ft per second per second Is a meaure of acceleration. Bob did not say a foul ball accelerates, he just noted the proper use of a term.