Wow, I just got hit with a 92mph deflected fast ball.
Sure am glad they were using wood, because it could have been 92.5mph, if it was aluminum.(or vice a versa)
Shall we put things in perspective here gentlemen.
I have found, that most of the time that officials have been hurt from a deflection with a mask, they were not squared up and using the equipment properly. I can understand the helmet offering more protection, because it protects more area. So if it fits for you, go for it.
In the past approximately 2000 games I have officiated in, the mask has worked just fine, thank you.
Im still trying to bring about the use of fleciheimer (sp) shorts for baseball. Even though they will never be allowed in Alabama. But then again, if I were my hat under my helmet, maybe that won't notice my legs when I take off the helmet!!!!!
Now for the future, YOUR ALL WRONG. We will all be using a media designed helmet that will look something like a apache helicopter pilots helmet. Instead of a night vision scope, we will be looking into a graphical image that will show the perfect strike zone for the batter at bat. Speakers will be on the side of the helmet and automatically announce the result of the pitch. In MLB, the scoreboard will automaticaly register the pitch (wireless of course). We will be tasked with the mundane mechanic of properly signaling the announced strike/ball call. The helmet will have proper HVAC and room for a hat, (speacial for Alabama). Oh yea, the plate umpire will be wearing the new and imporved fleichiemer shorts, COOL.