Great Thread!
I am also a female umpire. I played competitive softball for 20 years, including 6 years on the All Marine Corps Team. I have umped for 10 years, but I still probably blow a call once a night. But I learn from it, and move on to the next game. I agree that the men are much harder on female umps. After being in the Marine Corps you learn to let things roll off, and I am thankful for that. So I ignore 99% of the whining and complaining. Sometimes it's hard to keep from laughing when you hear someone yelling about a rule, and they are completly wrong. I try really hard not to smile at people that are really stupid.
BUT, I will not allow profanity directed at or about me and I will not allow a player to walk up on me in an aggressive manner. Last night I had a player in the dugout say "that F#$%ing B*&%^ needs to get some glasses!" He got the boot. The manager also a player, ran out to the plate, and screamed "you can't F&*#ing penalize a player for what they say in the dugout!", and slammed his scorebook on the ground. He was also sent home early, which dropped the team to eight, so the game was forfeited.
Also, one of leagues sells beer. The teams are not allowed to drink during the game, but they ARE allowed to drink before. Most of my irrate players are during the later games and they are buzzed up. I have informed the athletic director, but ofcourse making the money from beer sells is more important......
Chiquita J.
Wisconsin ASA/USSSA Slowpitch