HHH has documented the "fee levels" for umpiring in his area.
Peter is a union umpire and they make fees unheard of anywhere else in the USA.
In a national Poll we find that the "average" high school game (varsity) goes at about $45 to $50.
We also find that in "most" areas summer baseball pays slightly less.
Now these are "cross sectional" studies and should not be confused with specific areas that can be considerably higher or significantly lower. This is a true averge.
The study also finds that it does not matter if an umpire is a true independant contractor and must find and book his own games or if an umpire is a member of an assocation that assigns games.
Let's face it:
Many umpires in my area select to work 1:45 games (with time limits) that pay cash and are not part of our assocaiton coverage. These games are usually held on diamonds smaller than 90'.
We also lost umpires this year to lacrosse which is a timed game (they run about 1:10) and again pay cash ($50).
This makes it hard to find umpires.
BTW, in my area we pay middle school, frosh and JV umpires about 72% of a varsity fee. This also makes it difficult to find new recruits.
Also, we pay 11% to our assignor off the gross of the game.
We are paid mileage -- which is divided evenly between the two crew mates.