And Finally, The Rest Of The Story
On a runner who has passed a base, but not touched it. (And we all know that a runner
who has passed a base is considered to have touched it)
Though actually not spelled out in AFA, however, since AFA is 99% NCAA, the ruling was
That a player that has already scored cannot assist another runner. The same
ruling that ASA has under Rule 8 Sect 7 E. Exception, page 112. NCAA Rule 9 Sect 10d.
Originial Post
This occurred in an AFA Championship game Sunday. (ASA rules should be same.) 18U
Bases juiced, 1 out, 2 & 2 count on the batter. She swings, ball hits dirt, catcher
delays, umpires states "strike 3", then catcher throws the ball towards 1B. Ball ends up in
RF, with runner from 3rd scoring. Runner from 2B comes in also. Misses the plate, umpire
signals nothing, runner that had just scored from 3B, picks runner that was on 2B up,
and moves her to HP. Runner is called safe by PU, time is then called.
At this point, what would your call have been. (Yes, there is more to the story,
however, would like to hear reactions to the above events first.]
By final ruling, we have R1 (at 3rd) scores, game was at that point tied. Umpire called
time at this point, R3 is now on 3rd and the batter at 2B. In ASA the ball would have
been dead, in NCAA the ball would have been live. The UIC
of the tournament allowed the
assist, so R2 also scored. This gave the batting team, visitors, the lead. However,
Home Team eventually won the game. In AFA the definition of a Base Runner is - An
offensive player that is advancing, touching or returning to a base. Therefore I do
not see how she could have been called a runner. Her duties were over when she
glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.