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Old Mon Jul 11, 2005, 11:44am
noobie noobie is offline
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Location: Connecticut
Posts: 55

A recent thread made mention of this rule. I guess I'm behind the 8-ball again; but it's better to ask here than screw up on the field.

ASA 5.11 is titled "Tie-Breaker Rule", and restricts it to Women's/Girls' J.O. FP & Men's Senior SP. The ASA Casebook isn't much help.

Q1: Is ASA 5.11 the same as the ITB rule? The reason I ask is that 5.11.C itself makes reference to the ITB. (Does this subtlety mean something this time? Or is this just poor writing again?)
Q2: If ASA 5.11 isn't the ITB, what is the ITB?

TIA, folks.

(Add my voice to those pleading for a cleanup of the rule book, PLEASE!!)
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