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Old Mon Jul 11, 2005, 11:12am
Roland Wiederaenders Roland Wiederaenders is offline
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 12
My thanks to Carl for offering to present a "defense" vs an opinion/suggestion that not even he agrees with...dissent is good for America and should be tolerated with honor.

Now for a brief response to Carl and all who disagree with my humble suggestion of how to handle a newbie umpire who screws the pooch on a pulled foot at first base, who is not using the best of "foot" "ball" mechanics.

1. Always have an attitude of helping out those who are less experienced than field is good, on field can be helpful if tolerable/situational.

2. Don't let your social conservative knee jerk responsive attitude get in your way of seeing that suggestions are just that....something to think about, not reject immediately as patently wrong [and join the Muslim Mujahadeen attitude].

3. Get a life! If the opportunity to help a fellow ummpire presents itself, don't hang him out to dry. Too many "Carls" and "gurus" and "hard *** teachers" will perform an on field crucifixiion of their partner and say after the game to themselves, "too bad, poor sap, he deserved what he got for being such a dumb ***"......

4. Compassion conquers the consequences of a bad call which can be made right.

5. Please remember, I don't really care what anyone, including Carl, thinks about my suggestions/oppinions, because I don't need to do this **** to make a living or to make a competent and consistently good reputation as an umpire. I can quit and not feel the least bit hurt by anyone's difference of oppinion with mine. I live by my own rules, not by someone who thinks they's like to teach me new ones.

Thanks for listening....thanks for the $ for the ball

Roland, who doesn't like to write on the Forum anyways
Roland Wiederaenders
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Jim Evans Academy
of Professional Umpiring
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