Generally, I have found Roland Wiederaender's articles somewhat overflowered, with too many sidebars. However, I would have never known this unless I read them. By the same token, I would have never known that I dislike grits as much as I do, without trying them.
I do not subscribe to his proposed method of "getting it right" in the games I officiate however, he clearly indicated his intentions for it's use, "The games in which this can be done are mostly summer, kid-ball games although it might be workable in early season JV games."
Now I know that the methods, mechanics and rule interpretations discussed on this forum, generally are according to "Hoyle." Rightfully so. But, as each and everyone of us have experienced out on the field one time or another, "Hoyle" does'nt always play in all the games we do. In fact, "****happens" seems to pop his ugly head,
more times then we would like, I'm sure. And for those of you out there that can honestly say "I have never done anything like that," well, you have'nt officiated much.
I am sure we have all resorted to things not perscribed by "Hoyle."
I don't believe Carl got this much attention when he proposed semi-permanent parking in the "B" position.
Tradition, is sometimes just a hard thing to break for some. We have already discussed this to nauseaum, under "getting it right." And when were out on that field, the method we use, that gets us through that particular game and is agreeable to all, may not be according to "Hoyle" but, if it works, its the best method used for that game, that place and that time.
I'm still trying to break the barrier of wearing long pants during those "Hot, Dog Days of Summer." !!!???
Just my opinion.