I personally think that some guidelines to prevent people from doing things that might be totally harmeless but that might be misinterpreted would be good. For example - someone mentioned in a post that when giving the ball to a female player he said, "Here you go, Princess." He probably meant nothing improper by it at all. But a comment like that, even to a young player, could be totally misunderstood and taken way out of context and come back to haunt him. I know of a soccer coach and a school district who were sued for sexual harrassement because the coach played an upperclass girl on the jv team instead of on the varsity. (It was a boy's team but girls played on the boys team because there weren't enough players for a girl's team.) There was absolutely nothing inapropriate about his behavior or speech to the girl, but her mother thought she should be playing V and filed a suit. The coach and school had to spend a lot of money and almost two years in federal court before it was thrown as as frivilous. In today's climate, you have to be extra careful about anything you say or do. That's why I think some guidelines might be helpful.
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!