Thread: DPI 2X
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Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 07:50pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Re: DPI 2X

Originally posted by golfnref
I respectfully disagree with the notion that intentional
pass interference would count as one of the disqualifying USC fouls. Unsportsmanship fouls carrying disqualification for the second are listed in Rule 9-5 and 9-8. The penalty notation at the end of each of these rules state a second one of the listed fouls would result in disqualification. No where in these two rules is intentional pass interference listed.
Also, in the penalty summary section of the rule book it lists disqualification associated with certain 15-yard penalties. One of the six situations is " a second unsportsmanlike foul by player or nonplayer". Again the rule references are 9-5 and 9-8.
It is unfortunate that the rules gurus chose to use signal 27 for IPI. I cannot in good conscience eject a player unless he has committed two of the fouls in 9-5 and/or 9-8.

If you can read this, thank a teacher, and since it is in English, thank a Marine
But, if you read at the top of 9-5-1 and 9-8-1, it says "Examples are, but not limited to:" The list is 9-5-1, and 9-8-1 are some examples, but not all possibilities. Therefore when it says a 2nd USC means DQ, then I don't see any other choice.
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