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Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 03:37pm
carldog carldog is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 77
I should just walk out to my garden and tend my tomatoes, but I just can't help myself: I 'm going to comment.

I sincerely appreciate that experienced, professional Umps help with questions, even simplistic questions, from volunteer Umps like me. Thank you, again. Mr. Ives, and many others, who have taken the time to answer some of my questions in the past. I appreciate the time and effort.

I understand that repeated, beginning level questions are tough to handle. I teach 7th grade science. "Hey Mr. Cramer, do we have to use a #2 pencil?" I simply ignore the question and turn my attention to the next customer...

Even volunteer Umps should read the rule book....I agree...but l'm a fairly bright guy....and it's just not that easy to understand the application of the rules. Even though I'm just a volunteer Ump, I want to be good and I want to be right. I guess if we all just read the rule book ... and the case book...we could turn off our computers now and go tend the tomatoes.

I have witnessed 'certified' , varsity Umps making ridiculous beginner-level mistakes....and a little time reading this discussion board would do them a lot of good.

Good Umpiring helps make Good Baseball. It is a great game, and it is in decline. Look at the participation numbers among our youngsters. Participation is down. I look at an Ump as the 'Conductor' of the orchestra...a 'Director' of the musical drama....a 'Lab Instructor' for today's experiment. Baseball needs more, better Umps who have a little perspective and a little help the game of Baseball.

This an other internet sites really do help. Guys like Rich who help beginner-level Umps help the game of baseball. We need to encourage new Umps. Are your responses on this site encouraging new Umps?

The entire eteamz/ thing is a total waste of time. Pee-pee contest.

Do you know that it is only July 8 and I already have tomatoes the size of tennis balls? (Way Upstate NY....near Lake Ontario)

Play Ball!

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