Since discussing articles is all the rage, I figured I would join in.
Here is a quote from Rich's article "A Drowned Rat".
"I wish I understood why its OK to bash a rat (Online) for not knowing the rules and refuse to answer his rule question ... Alas, many umpire-writers do not take the time. Its "easier" to say: "Read the book, you moron." Then you face off in the next game with a coach who just might have learned the rule if hed had the opportunity. You know who you are. You know what I mean.
Say what?
"a coach who just might have learned the rule
if hed had the opportunity."
Seroiously Rich, do I even have to say anything? If he had the opportunity? There is an activity called reading, and there is a book called a rule book. If you want to know what the books says you have to read it. It is not anyone on this board's fault that some rat did not know a rule.
You have been spending too much time over at eteamz with you daily questions from rats/fans about "Are the hands part of the bat?", "Can a runner steal on a foul tip?", or "Do runners have to tag up on an infield fly?".
Sure those questions get answered by the eteamz umpire crew. But who is the eteamz umpire crew? Many of them work only LL games. I am sure many of them are good LL umpires. But, they are not just umpires. Many of them are involved in their local LL in some way. They are on the BOD, they used to or currently coach, or something else. They are not "true" umpires. They are half umpire half rat. Their rat side wants to help out the coach, and their umpire side knows the answer to the rules question.