MLB still awards from TOP when the first play by an infielder goes into DBT, unless at the time of the throw all runners, including the BR, had advanced at least one base.
In my experience, differentiating between TOP and TOT in baseball and FP softball often makes a difference. A runner stealing 2B may well have reached 2B by the time F6 fields a grounder and throws wild to 1B. In baseball, though the runner had reached 2B at the time of the throw, he is awarded 3B only. In softball, with no "first play" clause, the award would be home.
I've seen a similar play occur in SP, but rarely (usually when the BR hits a grounder and doesn't run hard, not uncommon in slugger leagues). In the play that started this thread, if F1 still had a play at 3B, it is unlikely that the runner from 1B had reached 2B at TOT.
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