My thoughts on one thing
Sorry it took so long. Been dealing with issues concerning my Austrian client and forgot about this thread. My bad.
As far as the administration, my opinion is that if there is any doubt in the PU's mind about what the BU has called, they should confer (away from the coaches, players, etc.).
Then the plate umpire - alone - asks the offended coach if they want the IP and resulting award or the play and its result. It is the sole responsibility of the PU to administer this.
That being said (and I can feel the piling on already), I believe the PU and BU should confer to make sure they are on the same page IF there is something sticky to the scenario. If for no other reason, to show teamwork and to let everyone know they are on the same page. This should NOT be a long conference. There should not be an arm placed on the shoulder, back or anywhere else of the other umpire(s), as it is generally perceived as negative body language.
IMHO I believe the more we can do to show that by gawd this is the correct call and we're together on this and we're all over it helps our cause. We are a team out there (even if you can't stand your partner, your partner is the only person on your side).
An ucking fidiot