Originally posted by JRutledge
It does not matter what Dave thinks, he is not going to get what he wants anyway. None of us do in many aspects of our daily lives will get our way no matter who we are.
I on the other hand do not care about hurting feelings when I am telling the straight up truth. I know I do not give my best effort when I work multiple games. These kids are the same age and I am a year older. I know we would like to think all games are equal, but they are not. A summer game is not the same as a regular season game. A middle school game is not the same a high school JV game. A girl's game is not the same as a boy's game. A varsity game with a bunch of kids that will never play again after HS is not the same as a game with a bunch of kids that will play at D1 programs and possibly the NBA. A game with 10 people in the gym is different than game with 5000 in the gym. We are all motivated differently and we should motivated by different things. Dave, if you feel that everyone cannot give the effort you give that is your right to feel that way. It is also my right to feel you are crazy for feeling that a summer league game you are going to get everyone that you feel are "qualified" should be working your games or with you as an official. That is never going to happen no matter what any of us feel about the situation.
Dave, your attitude is also the reason many "qualified" officials have no desire to work summer games and tournaments in the first place. After all I do not see records of summer league champions hanging on the banners of schools that participate in these leagues. It is not uncommon that all the players on a team do not even play in a league or tournament from time to time.
I wish you the best and hope you get what you want, I just think you need to be realistic and in my opinion you are being very unreasonable. 
Rutledge Way To Go!
Dave I will tell you this, the summer is a time when people are either trying to get experience. In which they would never get during the high school season.
You will not see those guys that hve been doing it for 20-25 years alot during the summer time. So you lose a little on the quality side.
I have 15years in and I use every game as a learning experience either mine or my partners.
I believe that the only way younger or less experience people will get better is for us t help them. Best time to help is during the summer time.
I travel all over my state during the summertime to do games because I still have that drive.
And I do agree with Rut, we all officiate differently depending on teh game. If you give me a a game with two top level teams for a championship game my level has just risen.
Now you give me at 7th grade summer game and I just might not be into it.
Not saying that I will let anyone get hurt, but it is just not there.
So instead of complaining try to fix the problem. Work with them not against them. And if the continue to do wh tyou dont like, you will not be able to change them so you jsut wrk your part of the court and hope and pray the gameis over with quick.!!!!