Thread: NCAA DH ruling
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Old Mon Jul 04, 2005, 08:41am
JJ JJ is offline
Veteran College Umpire
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Originally posted by Jim Mills

Now, a question of my own: would batting out of turn have been an issue had it been raised when the pitcher batted in the 7th? It seems to me that if the offense announced P batting for DH it could've been, but if that had been the intent the DH would have been disqualified, not sent out as the new catcher in the next half inning.

If the pitcher was announced as a PH for the catcher (as it appears to me in your post), or if no announcement was made, it seems that it would be a straight-up illegal substitution matter. Any thoughts?

Jim, you're right. When the pitcher came in to bat for the catcher, it wasn't a "batting out of order"; it was an illegal substitution. That means, of course, that it WAS a substitution, and the catcher for whom the pitcher batted was out of the game because he had been pinch-hit for. So, not only was the illegal substitute out of the game, so was the player for whom he hit. Thanks for your input.
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