Thread: Old Copy of BRD
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Old Sun Jul 03, 2005, 03:44pm
SAump SAump is offline
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Cool Ah-ha, Another Baseball Collector!

I have never owned 9 copies of the same book. So I would like to know the year of the 1st/ROOKIE BRD edition and the year of the 10th BRD edition. What is the collectors value on the ROOKIE and 10th BRD edition worth in US dollars?

Please consider how many smittys out there can barely afford the $2 paperback copy of LL Rules, each and every year. There are only a few drawings and many smittys never even read it. I wonder if they even know that MLB, LL-BB and LL-SB use basically the same set of OBR rules? I guess smittys get confused when you explain the huge similarities and few differences between BB and girls SB and that is why they have trouble learning the softball rules.

Do you think PapaC will print a smaller $5 paperback verion for all the smittys to enjoy with more pictures and less verbage? After all, he appears to print one every year. There is a guy named Tom Clancy that does it.

Good luck and play FAIR!
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