Thread: Did he go?
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Old Sun Jul 03, 2005, 10:39am
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
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Re: What about NFHS?

Originally posted by Striker991
High School (NFHS Brand) has just as many, if not more, quirks in its rules vs OBR as Little League. Just because the players are older doesn't mean squat.

Here's one for you...

I took the UIC position at our local Babe Ruth league because no one else wanted it. Every time I had a problem with an umpire related to rules, mechanics, or consistency, it was when I had an umpire that also did high school ball and I was PAYING more for than any other umpires I had.

Just because some of you do high school ball doesn't mean squat to me. If you have something valuable to add, great. I have learned a lot from umpires and trainers from all levels and organizations.

Many, many baseball umpires I have seen that ONLY do high school are worse than the local volunteer association that does Little League. The sad part is they are getting paid to be bad. The best HS umpires I have seen are also members of the volunteer association; they are highly regarded by BOTH organizations and regularly receive post-season assignments in both.

Our board is considering not using the HS umpires this next year because of the high cost of ineptitude.

To conclude, being a HS umpire contains no status except in the mind of those umpires. They are no better than any other umpire of any other organization, and just because they get paid doesn't make them any better trained.

I have even less respect for any umpire that takes a position that cannot be backed up with a respected reference, and when refuted with a respected reference, merely blows it off. And with the experience I have had this year with PAID, HS-level umps, give me a volunteer any day of the week, for any game, any time.

Perhaps in your "nape of the neck" this may be the case but in the vast majority of the cases this is not the true. As evidence over the years I've watched the LL World Series. If I see one more out signaled (Have I been guilty of this? Of course, but I can't remeber the last time that I did this.) and then changed to safe I'll throw up. Timing is perhaps the single most elemental factor that an umpire at any level has the ability to master. If these are the best you got I'm not impressed. At least at the High School level to maintain your license you have to take a test each year ( yeah I know it's open book) and periodically attend Certified Clinics and you are rated by the someone either coaches or local assocaitions. As a "Volunteer Umpire" this is generally not the case. You mention that you have High School Umpires that get post season assignments. Yeah duh in all likilhood they are C's or perhaps R's seasoned veteran officials that have recieved the proper training, passed tests and have demontrated a certain level of competence.

At least with a High School Official I know he passed a test and attended a clinic. Does that make him competent? Of course not. With a Volunteer I suspect this is not the case. Does this make him incompetent? Of course not. However, to a neutral observer ( Coach, fan etc.) I ask you who has more credibility?

[Edited by gordon30307 on Jul 3rd, 2005 at 12:06 PM]
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