Thread: Bandanas
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Old Sun Jul 03, 2005, 07:11am
PSU213 PSU213 is offline
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Originally posted by Theisey
What do these helmet manufacturers say about a players hair style?
Is it "cut" to their specifications? Do they make helmets that fit the wide range of lengths and styles? I doubt it.

If they really (the Mfg companies) don't approve the wearing of under helmet head items, including long hair why then is it that the safety conscious NF rules committee people have not come out right and ruled against these items?
My educated guess is that they don't beleive there is a problem and therefore have not ruled it is illegal equipment. Have there been any documented cases of head trauma related to the wearing of such an item? I know of none.

Maybe time will change that way of thinking, but at the present time, the items are legal equipment. Gang related reason are a totally different aminal and if so told to disallow such an item, I'd comply without a second thought.
I don't know of any trauma reports due to bandanas and the like, but I have not researched the topic. I'm guessing the mfg companies are "against" bandanas b/c the "helmets aren't made to protect a head with a bandana on it" since this would be a liability issue if someone got hurt. They are against it, I would imagine, more to protect their rear ends than anything else. That being said, I don't know why the NF and more state associations would not forbid bandanas under the helmets if only for the same reason.

I think this is a valid point Theisey, as is the hair issue.
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