Tue Aug 28, 2001, 06:17pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Twin Cities MN
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Guys & gals,
Is this accurate?
If so, any other nuances?
With DP/DEFO, you have 10 players in the game, not nine. Both the DP and the DEFO are starting players.
As with any lineup, defensive position swaps are not substitutions.
As with any lineup, a substitute bats where the player she replaced was batting.
DP/DEFO are joined at the hip wrt batting order. If both players are in the game, the DEFO has number 10 in the batting order (i.e. she does not bat). The DEFO can only bat if the DP is removed from the game. And the DEFO/DP always bats in the position the DP occupied at the beginning of the game. Both the DP and the DEFO can be substituted for the the usual ways, but the substitute takes on the role of the DP and/or DEFO, including place in the batting order.
The DP starts at the defensive position of "F10" - benchwarmer. This means you can swap the DP with any player other than the DEFO on defense and no one has left the game; it is not a substitution. The player removed from defense continues to bat in her normal place in the batting order.
If the DP comes in on defense for the DEFO, the DEFO has left the game (the lineup goes from 10 to 9 players). If the DEFO re-enters on defense (which she can, 1 time), the DP returns to offense only and the lineup goes back to 10 players.