Fri Jul 01, 2005, 06:56am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Bloomington, IL
Posts: 1,319
Note sure I agree
Originally posted by MJT
I work NFL rules in semi-pro ball and if he is forced OOB's he can be the first to touch the ball, if he returns IB's as soon as possible. I am 100% sure, but my rule book is at home. If you want, later 2nt I'll get you the rule reference.
Rule 8-1-3
An eligible receiver becomes ineligible if he goes out of bounds (prior to or during the pass) and remains ineligible until an eligible receiver or defensive player touches the pass.
EXCEPTION: If the eligible receiver is forced out of bounds because of a foul by a defender, including illegal contact, defensive holding, or defensive pass interference, he will become eligibile to legally touch the pass ... as soon as he legally returns in bounds.
So if he is legally forced out of bounds, he then becomes an ineligibile receiver.
Rule 8-1-7b:
It is a foul for illegal touching, if a forward pass (legal or illegal) first touches or is caught be an eligibile receiver who had gone out of bounds on his own or had been legally forced out of bounds.
Mike Sears