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Old Thu Jun 30, 2005, 06:40pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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As you probably know,

Kyle is Elliot's right hand man in terms of FED.

As I read your situation it appears that all we have is a player trying to legally re-enter at the wrong time,

I think that is the issue . . .

But there are a couple of ways it could go and I think that is the trap that has been set:

1) A preventative umpire could say, "sorry man, but you can only check back in when your due up" . . . remember FED says you CANNOT do subs in advance.

2) An Ahole umpire could allow the sub, BOO, and then wait to see if the defense reacts . . . then make the call.

3) A real big Ahole umpire could allow the illegal sub and find a way to make it an out.

I guess Little, I would do the first thing:

If I was smart enough to know it was out of order, if I thought fast enough on my feet and if I could sell it I HOPE I would simply not allow the sub.

Psst, the real truth:

I would probably have no clue the guy was checking in a batter early and I would have dug my own hole.

Fun times I guess.
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