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Old Thu Jun 30, 2005, 04:23pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by drinkeii
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
David, if you think that it's an unsporting act, then you can call a T for it. it's that simple. It's your judgement, and FED rule 10-3-7 will give you rules backing.

Since it isn't specifically mentioned in 10-3-7, i'm assuming it falls under the "includes, but is not limited to, the following..." as one of the "not limited to..." ones...

Based on that, considering it face guarding is incorrect, however, because it specifically states the use of hands.
Yes, that's where the T fall falls under- and nope, it ain't faceguarding. It's just an unsporting act in your opinion. Rule 10-3-7 is written vaguely on purpose. You couldn't possibly list every unsporting act that might come up during a game. And if you did, I'm sure the players and coachs would quickly figger out some new ones. As I said, if an official thinks an act is unsporting, then it's unsporting. Others may disagree with your judgement as to what is an unsporting act actually is though. That's why I recommend running this one by whoever is next in line up the food chain.
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