because if A1 calls B1 a punk then turns around to walk away and then B1 shoves him to the ground is the same thing as throwing a punch -- do you not like to read what I typed or do you just think that saying something and doing something are the same -- because i can tell you saying and doing are 2 different things and most ppl say but dont do -
listen as with a lot of refs just do what seems safest and just t them all up because A1 deserved that shove for saying something smart -- i think you probably handled it the right way unless A1 was still being a wise *** to B1 as the shove occured then they both need to go -- but if the shove happened like you said after you took care of A1 with a T then B1 deserves to go for escalating the situation which you seemed to have under control.
like on a hard foul -- regular or intentional or flagrant sometimes you have to wait a second to gauge intent of the defender by how he acts after the foul -- to just throw a flagrant T or an intentional foul are very different and carry different consequences -- if a player fouls someone hard and its borderline flagrant but he seems clearly upset with what he did and goes to pick the other player of the ground and appologizes right away and you think he was just palying hard and thats it then dont give him the flagrant T -- its good sometimes to let the play of the game handle itself -- remember blow your whistle then signal foul and in a second or 2 give a flagrant t or an intentional -- now i have to add my disclaimer before i hear -- OOOO what if he gets punched in the head then kicked in the groin then the guy who beat him up goes to help him up and appologizes OOOO what then -- then i say use some @!#$@#$ common sense.