Just happened to be watching SF and AZ when I got home.
Interesting call by U1.
First he missed blatantly the call at first and calls a runner safe who was out by a step.
The runner then, thinking he is out, jumps in the air and ends up on the field of play. (seems he was mad since he thought they had turned the DP on the play)
The defense then tags the runner and U1 calls him out.
For once the announcers (didn't have time to catch their names) were right on with the analysis of the play.
Replays showed the runner simply turned and headed towards his dugout which happened to be the 3rd base dugout.
Oops - what made it worse is that i watched the umpire on the replay and he never looked at the runner until the players started pointing and running to get him out.
So he never saw what the runner did. IMO he saw the players yell, (I know they were thinking of the myth that he turned left so he could be tagged) and seeing the runner in fair territory called him out.
Oh well, we all miss them, but ought to be interesting to hear him do some 'splaining on this call.
If you get a chance try and catch it, a good example by a MLB umpire of what NOT to do.