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Old Wed Jun 29, 2005, 11:18pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by DG
Originally posted by LDUB
I have some questions also.

1. Why do you allow Wideerlanders to put out 5 bad articles a week? If he cut back to 2, maybe the readership would enjoy them more.

2. Are you trying to attract T-Ball umpires to If you are not, why do you let Widerlanders write about stuff which happened to him while he was calling a T-Ball game?

3. Why do you allow CoachJM to write stuff that has nothing to do with baseball officiating?

4. How can JM, a guy who claims he has never been ejected, know anything more about coaches going crazy than I do? He is in the same boat as me. We have both seen it happen, so why does he feel the need to write about something everyone already knows?
Lighten up. I have enjoyed the nostalgia.
Yeah, those articles are about as good as wearing a red mask with a black harness with a navy hat.
The peanut (nut) gallery speaks again...what a pissant.

[Edited by DG on Jun 30th, 2005 at 12:34 AM]
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