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Old Wed Jun 29, 2005, 10:32am
scottk_61 scottk_61 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 573
Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by scottk_61

In hopes that if your state jumps on the band wagon that you will have time to contact your representitives with questions about how the law will affect each of you.
Actually, I believe many states already do this. Yours is a little late on the band wagon.
We have been doing backgrond checks for a while but the "level 2" one that requires the FBI check is not common in most states.

I don't care if we do it or not as my association has been doing this already.
The problem lies in the poor planning and implementation of a basically good law.
We already know of a some officials who won't work anymore becuase in reality they didn't do that many games to begin with, thus it is economically unfeasable for them to continue.

By this law, the only way to get the checks done is by a severly restricted path (FDLE and FBI) at a cost that is excessive. Where as private enterprise can get the same check at considerably less cost.

In the law, the homeroom moms are history wthout the checks as are the parents who help in the games and concession stands, the band parents who travel to games and parades etc.

The law is too much wiht too little planning for the side effects.
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