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Old Wed Jun 29, 2005, 10:07am
scottk_61 scottk_61 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 573
I appreciate your insinuation that I am chicken little (insert the sarcasm here)

I posted the message to point out how things affect us.
If our schools end up having to foot this bill for backgournd check it will be a disaster for scholastic athletics.

We have been assured that if the schools have to pay, then athletics will cesae to exist in the 10th largest school district in the nation.

Not good,
nor is it good for the athletes who are trying to get to college on athletic scholarships etc.

This all stems from a guy who kidnapped and killed a child who lived across the road from him

Not from a school, nor was he a teacher, volunteer, or sports official.

Our legislature used a sledgehammer to kill a gnat.

Hopefully, when you guys have to face this issue you can speak to what we are experiencing so that your schools don't suffer the same turmoil