Thread: 2 things
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Old Wed Jun 29, 2005, 01:52am
cowbyfan1 cowbyfan1 is offline
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Originally posted by DG
Originally posted by cowbyfan1
Kudos to Marty Foster for calling the balk on Kline of the Orioles tonight. It was a balk and should be called despite what Mazilli said after the game.

Is it me but does anyone think CB Bucknor will be history after this season? I do not care for him and it seems like he is the one in the middle of perceived or actual missed calls and arguements. Others miss calls, it is part of the game but he seems to have more than most. I personally think he will never be among the elite and lost all chance with the Lou Pinella confrentation a few years ago. Am I off in this?
A confrontation with Lou Pinella has him branded? Come on...
As I recall it was CB's rookie year. Pinella, while still at Seattle, came out to argue a call and CB stood there with a grin on his face like it was a big joke. It was totally unprofessional. Of course ESPN was all over it. I originally chalked it up to him being a rookie and Pinella can be funny to watch when he gets off into one of his tirades. Ever since then tho it sees CB has had more than his share of "problems".

Does anyone know if there is any stats kept on how many times player/managers argue with a perticular umpire? I know they keep things like how many called 3rd strikes a Blue has, how many ball 4s are called by the blues, etc.

[Edited by cowbyfan1 on Jun 29th, 2005 at 03:14 AM]

Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.
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