In Indiana, we have the head coach get one of his captains and go over the sportsmanship request as soon as we meet the coach. (Basically the first thing when we walk onto the field.) We do this right after meeting the coach and asking about planned fumbles etc. We then meet the other coach and repeat the prodeedure.
I really don't think that this is worth the time. The coaches who really need to be reminded aren't listening. The kids are missing part of their warmup time. I think all of us have talked to the kids at the coin toss and I think that that is the best time to emphasize sportsmanship. The coaches who try to practice good sportsmanship will and the ones who don't, won't be changed by a rushed or canned speech rightbefore a game.
[Edited by Tom Cook on Aug 26th, 2001 at 08:06 AM]