Originally posted by scottk_61
Originally posted by JEL
Sounds like you had a baseball umpire who didn't make the "transition" to softball!
Sergio gave you the box dimensions and as you can see a call such as that one is nearly impossible in a softball game.
Hold on there JEL,
The ol' cathcer setting up out of the box is becoming more and more common here in Florida.
I have called it and have seen it called numerous times in the last couple of years.
I have also seen it called in a D1 game once last year.
I also see many teams where the catcher gets outside right as the pitch is released, I would say that is ok.
I can see a catcher getting out of the box in front over the plate, but I have never seen a catcher start out of the box in any other manner. Please explain what the catchers in FL are doing these days.